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Meat and milk from the Stieglerhof, sheep's cheese from Lake Wolfgangsee and more: we are proud of the first-class products from our region! And of the long-standing relationships with our partners who supply us with the best. Time to bring the ladies and gentlemen in front of the curtain!

Partner of our restaurant at Lake Wolfgangsee

We know where it
comes from

Wer sich als 16-jähriger lieber zwei Schafe als ein Mofa kauft, dem müssen die wolligen Vierbeiner schon sehr am Herzen liegen. Sepp Eisl hat aus einer Not heraus Großes entstehen lassen. Und machte aus zwei Schafen ein florierendes Schafmilchunternehmen.

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A 16-year-old who would rather buy two sheep than a moped must be very fond of these woolly four-legged friends. Sepp Eisl has created great things out of necessity. And turned two sheep into a flourishing sheep's milk business.

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When the trees bend with the weight of their luscious fruit, it's time for the harvest at Primushäusl. And internationally award-winning “Schnapps” are conjured up from local fruit.

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The lake, the fish and the Bernhard - they simply belong together. For over 430 years, the people of Fürberg have been heading out onto the lake to catch fresh whitefish, char, lake trout and pike.

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