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Advent at Lake Wolfgangsee

Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel
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and authentic

Take a leisurely stroll through the Christmas markets, warm your fingers and stomach with hot chestnuts, sip on sweet mulled wine and watch the lights around you glow ever brighter. This is Advent here at Lake Wolfgangsee. The symbol of Advent at Lake Wolfgang shines from afar: the 19-metre-high floating lantern in front of St. Wolfgang in the middle of the lake. It is a reminder that Advent should be a quiet, contemplative time, a time to pause and reflect.

Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel
Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel
Wolfgangsee in winter: Relaxation at the hotel

Advent at lake Wolfgangsee

The Wolfgangsee Advent is considered one of the most beautiful Advent markets in Austria. And it lives up to its reputation more than you can imagine. Traditionally decorated huts bathe in the glow of Christmas lights.

Special Advent treats

At every corner of the market there are culinary delicacies from the region and a wide variety of punch - from classic baked apple punch to exotic mandarin ginger punch, as well as genuine handicrafts from local producers.

Advent season at lake Wolfgangsee

There are regular traditional events such as Advent carol singing, or shepherds' plays and romantic Advent hikes. Whether in St. Gilgen, Strobl or St. Wolfgang - romantic Advent markets await you everywhere.

Advent market St. Gilgen

Psst! Our
insider tips

Every Advent market has its secrets. We have compiled our highlights from the Advent market in St. Gilgen for you. Strictly confidential, of course. And tested everything ourselves - several times.

This punch has it all! It contains fresh, grated ginger and tender pieces of whole mandarin oranges. It also differs from its run-of-the-mill punch colleagues in its base: instead of syrup, this hot stomach warmer is made with tea and lemon juice. Almost a winter vitamin bomb, in other words. And the vodka is available separately on request. So that it doesn't get too healthy.

Crispy bread roll (spelt!), fried chanterelles, fresh vegetables, hearty bacon, fine cranberry-orange chutney and a poem of venison mince between all the delicacies. Do we need to say more?

These electric candles may look familiar to you: During Advent, they adorn almost every window in the Mozart village of St. Gilgen, peek out from behind garden fences and house entrances or decorate balconies and terraces. Whether large or small, wide or narrow: the popular St. Gilgen Advent candles are as much a part of this time of year as mulled wine and punch. And here you can buy them as an original souvenir to take home.

Not just for frosty winter nights: the woolen blankets from Steiner 1888 are more than just ephemeral bed companions. The blankets made from merino, alpaca or mountain sheep's wool from the Austrian family business keep cold feet warm and elicit pleasant sighs thanks to their fine softness. You can see this for yourself here in Fürberg: sheep's wool blankets are waiting for you on the beds in our guest house. Just waiting for you to snuggle up in them.